Miracles of chanting lalitha sahasranamam
Miracles of chanting lalitha sahasranamam

miracles of chanting lalitha sahasranamam

Not “God-like”, but You are the Divine Force itself. The Mahavakyas ( Great sayings) in the Upanishads keep reiterating that “You” are “God”. Most importantly, my experiences prove beyond a shadow of doubt that unless, and only when the physical body has undergone purification at both the gross and subtle level, can a person be placed on the path to Moksha or God-realisation. These incredible events progressed in a sequence as if orchestrated by a Divine Inner force, targeted to remove all pre-conceived notions of spirituality as well as vestiges of left-over karmas and vasanas (samskaras) that were blocking my progress on the spiritual path. I feel the unseen hand of Siddhar, Sri Balu Swamy guiding me although I haven’t precisely followed the instructions he gave me while conferring Mantra Upadesam in September, 2010. Since publishing my last post in November, 2010, I have undergone many unusual experiences I’d like to share with my readers.

miracles of chanting lalitha sahasranamam

On physiological transformation and the process of realizing Divine Inner Self Siddhar Sri Balu Swamy’s mystical powers some “electrifying” experiences and more Paintings!

Miracles of chanting lalitha sahasranamam